Tuesday, July 22, 2008


7.22.08 this is my niece, lily. i got her that hot dog costume. awesome, right? best.aunt.ever. she is being baptised next month and my brother sent me pics of her in her christening gown. after i saw those pictures, i called and asked him why they weren't baptising her in the hot dog, as that would be way more awesomer (yes, that's a word). my sister-in-law assured me that the hot dog was second choice. good enough for me.

i feel like a bit of a cheater not using the standard four and four (of real words) format, but i felt it necessary to get the hot dog picture out there for everyone to see. also, it says 'dogg' like snoop dogg and that's gangster.

1 comment:

memyselfandi said...

that's got to be the 'coolest' hawt dogg i've ever seen.